Explore your datasets: unlocking insights with Kognic
Data exploration is a critical step in developing machine learning algorithms and computational mission algorithms. Understanding your dataset is essential to ensure accurate and effective model training. However, exploring datasets can be surprisingly challenging and time-consuming.
At Kognic, our goal is to make dataset exploration easy and accessible for our customers. With just a few clicks, users can dive into their datasets and start exploring. By lowering the barriers to entry, we enable users to gain a better understanding of their data and make more informed decisions - before annotation begins.
Many organizations rely on open-source alternatives or internally developed solutions for data exploration. However, these solutions are often fragmented, lack a unified approach and are wholly disconnected to eventual annotation dynamics such as corrections and workforce management. Our leading solution provides a centralized platform enabling both self-serve organizations and facilitated ground-truth assignments.
Embeddings represent complex objects in a computer-friendly format, enabling similarity searches and analysis of 2D representations.
Kognic supports embedding analysis, which allows users to visualize objects in a dataset as points in a multidimensional space. By examining clusters and patterns in the embeddings, users can identify missed annotations, false positives, and other valuable insights. By using embeddings, you can more quickly explore your dataset, identify clusters, and outliers to improve your dataset or model.
When exploring data, it is essential to address issues promptly. Our platform makes it easy to create chunks, which are collections of potential mistakes or items for review. Users can send these chunks for correction, ensuring data quality and improving the overall dataset.
One of the key features of our platform is our Gallery and its powerful filtering options. Users can navigate to the dataset exploration page and view their configured datasets through multiple lenses. The Gallery provides a visual representation of the data, allowing users to quickly paginate through examples and identify interesting patterns. By selecting properties and applying filters for either objects or scenes, users can focus on attributes for deeper exploration.
Everything inside the Kognic platform
For perception developers and machine learning practitioners, our platform offers a comprehensive solution for dataset exploration. Whether you are starting with annotated data or need to upload existing labels, our platform supports both scenarios. By providing intuitive tools and seamless integration with annotation workflows, we empower users to train robust models and gain a deeper understanding of their data.
At Kognic, we believe that exploring datasets should be a straightforward and insightful process. Start exploring your datasets today and experience the power of Kognic's data exploration tools.
If you want to dive a little deeper and see Kognic in action, be sure to check out this video:
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