Kognic Days 2024: Where Innovation Meets Relaxation

At Kognic, we believe in pushing the boundaries of AI-powered perception systems. But we also know the importance of stepping back, recharging, and connecting as a team. That’s why every year, we hold our annual Kognic Days, and this year’s 2024 edition was held at the picturesque Vann Spa.



This year's post-summer gathering was filled with a perfect balance of work and play. Our team participated in thought-provoking discussions about the future of autonomous systems and revisited our core company values. From there, we took things outside with some exhilarating team-building activities.

Here’s a glimpse of how we spent our time:

Day 1: Aligning Values & Vision

We kicked off Kognic Days with an in-depth session on our company values and culture. This set the tone for the rest of the event, ensuring that we remain aligned as we tackle the future of AI-powered perception. Topics ranged from cross-functional collaboration to project management strategies, all designed to enhance our teamwork and productivity back at the office.


In the afternoon, we shifted gears for some well-earned wellness time. Many team members took advantage of Vann Spa's relaxing spa circuit to unwind and reset. Others chose to engage in other outdoor activities around the venue.

Day 2: Outdoor Activities & AI Innovations

The second day was action-packed. We took our discussions outside for some fresh air and team-building activities. From obstacle courses to creative problem-solving challenges, we embraced the opportunity to work together in new ways and develop stronger bonds across departments.


Evenings were reserved for some well-earned relaxation and social events, where we discovered hidden talents among the team, and yes, maybe a few extra cups of coffee kept us going!

Kognic Days reminds us that while we’re dedicated to advancing technology, we’re also committed to maintaining a strong, connected, and refreshed team. We’re now recharged and ready to take on the challenges of the AI and ADAS world.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Kognic as we continue shaping the future of autonomous systems!