Increasing Marketing Efficiency with Our Notion Workhub
Hello everyone! It's Björn and Chisco from the marketing team. As a small but mighty team of four, we’ve found innovative ways to organize our ideas, tasks, and responsibilities. One of the key tools we use is a Notion template developed by Jason Oakley and tweaked by us into a marketing tool that has transformed our daily operations.
We're excited to share some insights into how this workhub increases our productivity and efficiency. Let's dive into it!
Overview of the Marketing Workhub
Our marketing workhub provides a comprehensive overview of all our projects and tasks. It's a centralized location where we add new tasks, projects, webinars, and product launches. The hub can also be programmed with integration to other Kognic teams - as we have all adopted Notion as an internal platform.
For example, we have simple way for our People & Culture team to request Instagram posts or for other teams to request specific marketing assets for use, including review of outbound proposals. This interaction generates a new task in our system, streamlining the process and reducing communication errors.
Our Workhub homepage - where we have buttons for quick actions and links to important areas. Below, our content calendar shows us what content is soon to be live.
Task Dashboard
Inside the workhub, we have a dedicated task dashboard. Here, you can see all tasks in the request stage, progress stage, and review stage. Tasks enter the request stage when they're newly created or requested.
Once a task enters the review stage, a notification is sent via Slack to the manager, keeping everyone in the loop and ensuring timely reviews.
Content Calendar
The workhub also features a content calendar, which offers full visibility of all tasks - particularly those that reflect a publishing "moment" where certain content will see life within a specific marketing channel. This tool allows us to add or remove tasks from the calendar, view the priority of each task, and track deadlines effectively.
What's more, you can embed content from any source (internal or external), providing immediate reference to key supporting assets that we need to complete the assignment. The Content Calendar has proven invaluable in keeping everyone aligned and informed about each task's status.
Monday Meetings
Why do we emphasize Monday meetings? It's the day our marketing team syncs on the tasks for the upcoming week. On our Monday meetings page, we review the tasks and challenges for the week ahead and share if we need help with anything. This simple practice ensures that the week starts off on the right foot and everyone is aligned on their tasks and responsibilities. Mixing, matching and re-adjusting at this higher level allows for our team to see the collective demand on marketing here at Kognic. We are busy, but we get it done!
We hope sharing our workflow, composed of our task dashboard, content calendar, and Monday meetings, has provided some inspiration for how you can enhance your own workflows. Remember, the key is to find tools and processes that work best for your team's specific needs.
If you're interested in implementing something similar, check out the PMM workhub by Jason Oakley. We're always here to help you set it up if needed.
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